LA Fall League Early Details
We will have a four-team, six-week season starting Oct. 25 and ending with the playoffs on Saturday Dec. 13. We plan on using Penmar Park in Venice, but game times are still not certain.
In September we will have pickup games and also two weeks of a skills session (Sept. 20 and 27). This is not a tryout, since everyone who register and pays can play, but a way for us to determine skills to ensure a fair draft. To be in the league you must register, pay and show up at one of the two skill sessions. We will send another e-mail when registration is open.
The player fee this year will be $60. This is higher than the spring, but necessitated by our need to buy insurance (we estimate that insurance alone works out to about $25 a player), and to pay for use of the field.
We strongly encourage you to send this e-mail to any of your friends that might be interested. We want to grow the league and expand the player pool.
Don’t hesitate to send me questions ( or to the contact form on the website:
Our plan is to then have pickup this winter and start a spring league in March or April.
Also, we are looking to change the name of the league to make it more L.A.-specific. We are also looking for a logo, so if any of you have design skills we would love to see your ideas. My ability doesn’t go much past stick figures.