Flag recap Feb. 9, 2008

PHOTOS: Eight posted so far here, including a great three-photo sequence showing Ty catching a tipped pass. All photos by Brent. Photo above shows Gilbert catching a pass that was perfectly laid in there by his QB. :-)
WEATHER: Perfect. Sunny, 75, calm.
WELCOME: Ty is one of those guys who’s been on the e-mail list for a while and he finally ventured out. Once Brent got him some cleats he was just fine.
SCHEDULE: We are back Feb. 16 at Penmar Park, 12:30 p.m.
GAME: White pulled away in Game 1, we retooled and White held on for a 6-point win. Both games featured some terrific performances.
BIZARRO WORLD: I have been playing a long time (insert joke about me schooling Knute Rockne once) and saw three plays I never have witnessed before. First was this: Dan throws to Chris, ball hits him in the hands, Brent immediately grabs flag. Chris bobbles the ball and gains control minus his flag but untouched. He runs into the end zone. We debated whether or not it was a TD and gave them a first down instead.
Our national rules say that you can't grab a flag until a runner has possession of the ball, so I have changed my mind and now think Chris was live until touched. No matter, Dark scored the next play.
Play 2 came when Brent and Gilbert rushed Chris at QB. Brent batted the pass into the air and Gilbert snagged it and ran it back for a TD. I have never seen that happen in a flag game. But, amazingly, a few series later, ZS did it one better, knocking Gilbert’s pass into the air as a rusher, then grabbing it and running it back.
PLAY OF THE GAME: Great having Demond back and he shined all game with multiple TDs. His best came on a short out that I was trying to complete for a short gain. I thought I had overthrown him, but he put it into another gear, made the catch, then high-wired it down the sidelines for a score.
PLAYERS OF THE GAME: Along with Demond, Gilbert came to play. He had four interceptions and at least four TDs. On his most amazing pick, he pulled a David Tyree and outwrestled the receiver for the ball on the way down. His best catch came when I was rolling out and threw it up hoping; Gilbert went high snagged the ball and pulled it down for a first down. After Gilbert had another pick playing deep safety down the middle, ZS (on the other side) said, “Maybe we ought to stop doing that.”
GAMER: Brent is still recovering from a nasty bout of pneumonia, but you wouldn’t know it from the intensity he showed and how hard he played. He had no trouble barking out defensive calls and managed to get his usual zingers in.
PRETTIEST PLAY OF THE DAY: A beautiful pass from Dan to Christophe who ran a great go route. The ball was laid in there perfectly and Christophe caught it in stride and ran it in.
TRICKERY: We ran one fun play from the Dark 1. Demond was in the backfield and I was at QB. I then walked sideways to tell Gilbert something. The plan was for Brent to hike it immediately to Demond, but Brent waited until I basically walked to the Santa Monica Airport and the snap to Demond didn’t fool anyone. He still managed to get in anyway.
RUMBLING, BUMBLING: Loved the catch, spin and run David made, where about three guys missed his flags and he gained 20 yards. He had several grabs during the game even though he was kept back to block.
BALL HAWKS: Gilbert led the parade with four and Jay had two (including one for a TD). Dan (playing Game 1 for White) wound up with three, including a great one where Brent shifted him from DB to LB and he read the play perfectly.
COLLISION COURSE: Roughest play (though not intentionally) came on a long pass down the middle to Angel. Gilbert went up and managed to time it so he batted the pass away. Both came down awkwardly but both bounced up and got back up.
QUITE A RUSH: The key to White’s defense was the great pass rushing by Mike, Brent, Demond and Gilbert. On at least two picks, the rushed pass was caused by pressure. Gilbert also had the quickest sack ever, but it does help when you line up on the line of scrimmage and not 5 yards back!
TOUGH GUYS: Gilbert also plays tackle football Sunday with friends and he invited anyone. The only ones who appeared interested were Christophe and ZS. “We have health insurance now,” Christophe said.
HIGHLIGHTS: Great 2-point catch by JT in the corner of the end zone, where he lost momentary control then regained it. … Two great sideline catches for a TD and conversion by ZS, where he showed great balance. … Great routes by Gilbert on two TDs – one on a post corner where he turned the DB around, the other on a deep slant where he saw there was no safety help. … Loved Christophe yelling “Oh shit!” when Gilbert did a stop and go and Christophe, playing DB, did only a stop. …
Demond got about as wide open as a receiver could on a play where Mike played him short and was expecting DB help, but no one was playing DB and Demond basically walked in. Ty had several nice grabs on sideline route but missed the deep ball he was begging for all game. Next time. … Lamest block by me on ZS, doing my best matador imitation which caused a sack … Lamest tackling by Jay, who basically stood and watched the receiver catch the ball in front of him and then not pursue. “My legs are jelly,” he said by way of explanation. … Mike (Dark team) also had several nice catches and runs despite primarily being a blocker.
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