Recap Jan. 21, 2006
WEATHER: In Moscow, temperatures have dropped to 30 below, shattering 70-year-old records. One elephant at a circus got drunk on a vodka bath designed to keep it warm. With alcohol coursing through its veins it ran wildly round its enclosure, smashing hot water radiators and tearing them from the wall. … Meanwhile, in Venice, it was sunny and 65 with a slight breeze. So stop your whining!
GAME: We wound up playing nearly three hours and had two games. Dark ran away with a 24-0 win and we decided to play one from scratch. White got off the schneid by posting a 20-14 win thanks to a solid defense.
PLAYER OF THE GAME: A tough choice this week so with many players making a bunch of plays, but I’ll go with Shon. He made the catch of the game, going into double coverage to make a sensational grab. He snuffed out one White rally by making a great goal-line interception. And, for good measure, he threw a TD pass to Anthony.
EXPOSED: If Zach had a problem with the style of Anthony’s shorts, that’s one thing. But there was no need for him to rip them off like he did on one play when he rushed the QB! At least Anthony wasn’t freeballing and wore compression shorts in a neutral silver/gray.
BALL HAWKS: There were a lot of big plays on defense and some great picks. David (Marino) had the best, snagging one on fourth down and then doing his best Ben Watson imitation zigging and zagging down the sidelines for a touchdown. …
Shon had two picks, including one where it looked like he was going to score but got tackled. It prompted someone to say that he must have been stabbed in the knee by Nick Harper’s wife the night before. …
Oren got his first interception when he grabbed one along the sidelines. Not sure if his gray shirt confused White’s QB but it was a nice play. … Peter T. got an interception on a funny play. He went into to sub for a DB and that caused Brent and others to question whether he wouldn’t be more "comfortable" at LB. Having the confidence of his teammates, Peter stayed in at DB and promptly picked off a pass. …
Roger had a funny play (maybe not for him) when he hiked on fourth down and the ball fell 3 yards short and was downed. Two plays later, he got his revenge by making a perfect break on a pass for an interception.
CONGRATULATIONS: As some of you know, Anthony is a senior in high school and out. He plays football and also wrestles. The other day he was named first team all-league in football and got a special coach’s award. Can I have your autograph?
PIN-BALL WIZARD: Puff Daddy threw it, Peter T. tipped it, Brent at LB missed a chance for a pick, then John missed a chance for a pick and Walter wound up making the reception for a first down.
SAY WHAT? Overheard from someone: “That pass hurt my nipples.” …. Bubba proclaimed himself the Black Jesus, but I can’t remember Jesus ever dropping two passes in a row. More like Black Geez-us. … Jeremiah was introducing himself to someone and said, “Just call me JP.” Peter P. replied, “How about Chatty Kathy?” … Peter P made a nifty catch, move and run on a shovel pass, prompting Walter to yell, “Mack Strong!”
A RARE OCCURRENCE: It snows in Venice more than we punt, but there was White punting on fourth down. And Patrick got off a brilliant kick that wound up rolling through the end zone for a touchback. Who knew?
BANGED UP: Anthony said his shoulder popped out on one hard play but popped back in. Ouch! … Joe said he dislocated a finger. Double ouch … Kevin twisted his ankle, before the game, but still played great.
CONNECTIONS: Best pass play of the day was me to Kevin for a TD. I hit him perfectly in a seam down the middle left, he ran a great route and made the catch in traffic. … John made the best long ball play of the day, accelerating to catch the ball when others might have slowed down. … Brian made a super catch down the left side, reaching over a DB for the ball.
NOTABLE: Peter P made a brilliant knock down of a pass on fourth down, timing his break perfectly and swatting it away. … Brent, as someone said, never misses flag and consistently turned potential long gainers into 2-3 yarders. … Dark’s defense really clicked all day, allowing only 2 TDs in almost three hours. Take a bow. … Dave amd Puff Daddy came in late to QB the White team and each led a nice TD drive.
NEXT: We are back Jan. 28, Penmar Park at noon.
PS: For all of you who said how much you LOVED playing in the rain, I’ll expect you to show up the next time it’s wet! :-)
PPS: There is a comments section at the end of each post. Don't be bashful about mentioning something I missed. Pics will be up soon.
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