Saturday, October 29, 2005

Flag Recap: Oct. 29, 2005

WEATHER: Snow and rain showers continued into the evening. Ooops, that was New England. In Venice it was sunny, 70, no wind; yawn.

WELCOME: A big welcome to David1 (we’ll call him Marino because of his jersey), and David2 (known as David), and Kevin. They are were terrific guys and players.


GO DEEP: The game started like a marathon and wound up like a track meet. We had long bombs for scores on the first play in 3 of 4 drives. And the passes were thrown by three QBs: Jim, Dan and David/Marino. Plus, Will got in the act later with a great connection to Dan. And Dan returned the favor with a bomb to Will.

CALCULATIONS: Marino came in to QB and went 2 for 2 for 130 yards and 2 TDs. I found a calculator for the NFL QB rating and that will get you a perfect 158.3. His next pass was intercepted (not really his fault) and that dropped his rating to 109.72.

JP came in and quarterbacked a two-point conversion, which had the other team so stunned that he actually completed it! He would have a rating of 147.92.

GREAT HANDS I: Rory was able to play only for a short time but he made the most of it. He had the catch of the day when he went deep on a post and I led him a little too far and assumed the ball would be incomplete. But Rory kept running, extended fully and snagged the ball a few inches off the ground and the TD. Impressive.

GREAT HANDS II: David had some great catches all day, using his height and skills (he attended a spinning class before the game and was going to play softball after, while I headed for ice for my knees).

GREAT HANDS III: Kevin also impressed with his skills, making several TD catches and conversions.

MAN'S BEST FRIEND: They say dogs know their masters well and this was true when JP caught a slant pass and ran 50 yards for a score. Patton, tied up on the sidelines, barked loudly and JP claimed he was "cheering." Hah! That was a bark of amazement since he's never seen JP move so fast.

MINI-SUBS: There were 2 kids (maybe 10) who were waiting for their team to show up and practice so we let them play it was us; they were both cute to watch. The one caught a pass, then promptly thought he was Barry Sanders and wound up losing yardage. The other actually called his number twice and both worked; a future Bill Walsh!

A CROSS TO BEAR: Crossing patterns were effected all day. Doug caught one on the run and managed to weave his way for a score. Will and David also got into the act. I must say that were a few picks thrown, so much so that Patrick Fitzgerald is preparing indictments for obstruction.

Speaking of the special prosecutor, he’s in his 40s … single … likes cats. Yeah, I thought the same thing!

NOTABLE: Brent had a bunch of good catches, yet had this funny way of running (or not) after the catch. He would catch a pass, then thrust the ball high above his head and stand there, assuming his flag was being grabbed. Only cries of “Go! Go!” got him running. … JP had a sweet catch in the back of the end zone for a TD (we call it the “$5 play” because he bet me $5 once in a tournament that he would be open on the play and damn if he wasn’t. We all know how money motivates him! … I had a nifty grab on a pass from on a crossing pattern. … Dan made a great defensive play on an out, where he was able to tip the pass, grab it and run it back for a score. ... Brent had a heads-up pick where he defended the pass, got a tip and grabbed it like a center-fielder. (Note: Brent whined that this last entry didn't capture the true flavor of the play, since after tipping the pass, then picking it off, he avoided tacklers on the return and wound up lateraling it back to JP, who gained a whole extra two yards. Duly noted!)

QUOTABLE I: Not from our game, but saw this quote again from former Tampa Bay coach John McKay, whose team started their history 0-26. After one dreadful loss, a writer asked McKay what he thought of his team’s execution. “I’m in favor of it,” McKay said.

QUOTABLE II: WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes came out as a lesbian this week. Bill Maher quipped that a women’s basketball player said she was a lesbian, “and this came out in the latest issue of ‘No Shit’ Magazine. It was also reported that Yao Ming is Chinese.”

NEXT: We are back Sat. Nov. 5, Penmar Park at noon. Have a great week!


At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs comments, when the blogspam-o-raters go to work so quickly!

A great day to play, and a special welcome to the new players.

JP gets the special "heads up" award for being willing to give a lot more head on D!

Despite the offer, Good Will Hunting kept burning us, and Dave Bruin was leaping everywhere, except when he had his arms wrapped around me all the way down the field. But I managed to sacrifice my ankle to trip him up the next time!

Despite the reports, I do not "catch-n-stand"--I was extending the ball like I had been trained to gain the most yards. Part of my training was not to antitcipate that the D would refuse to strip me!

So next time--more head, stripping and high 5'ing, less wine'ing on the part of the winded 2 Buck Chuck D coordinator.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Jim Buzinski said...

" Who needs comments, when the blogspam-o-raters go to work so quickly!"

It was amazing: I posted the notes and 4 messages came in from Blog Spammers! I deleted them all; a-holes!

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tai had his usual Pepcid moment after eating spicy Chinese food - it is strictly ethnic solidarity that he regularly poisons himself - so I did not make it today. Next week.

I am close to finishing the SD stats. My sunburn is still peeling - my excuse. I am trying to work out an easy notebook program to display stats - another excuse.

I am going to have gastric bypass surgery soon if I don't chicken out - wish me luck!


At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JP@QB? that position, I would have thought JP would stand for "JUST PUNT!"



At 12:42 AM, Blogger Jim Buzinski said...

" JP@QB? ..."

It's kind of like "Bring Your Daughters to Work Day" where you let them pretend they're all grown up for the day! :-)


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